Locating the safe was almost as easy, the long shelf full of large nineteenth-century German theology had to be the place, for no-one would ever look at those books again.
The Green Man was unsurpised by the safe. It was large and electronically locked, the sort that paranoid men buy. It was also quite easily unlocked. Not long after she had taken the job of Secretary to the Green Man, Ms. Madison had devised a computer programme that could unlock a safe in a matter of seconds. The mighty door swung open, revealing a great many files. The Grren Man extracted one, and began to read.
There was more than enough there to convince the Green Man that he had not targeted an innocent man. The file was on a stockbroker, who apparently kept a misstress. All the sordid details were there, including photographs. The Green Man could not suppress a snort of disgust.
"Ashamed of your work at last!"
A voice behind the Green Man caused his eyes to widen. There, an outraged expression on her face, was a woman. And she held a pistol in her right hand.
There are a lot of twentieth-century theology works one could hide documents behind as well, given their fleeting ephemerality.
What is The Green Man's position on Bultmann? What about Barth? Will he visit theological vengeance on them after he dispenses of the latest supervillain du jour?
Stay tuned.
It sounds fun. Scruff uses some Barth volumes to keep computer discs in.
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